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Transform your approach to leadership with three bitesize, 90-minute modules. Designed to stretch you; get ready to lead your teams with authority, focus and understanding. Standard rate £495+vat (no VAT for non-UK) DBA member price £295+vat.
Create and sustain a culture of high performance that your team will want to follow at this inspirational 90-minute workshop. Standard rate £180+vat (no VAT for non-UK) DBA member price £105+vat
Turn your prospects into projects by closing more deals. A fast-paced, practical and interactive 90-minute workshop. Standard rate £180+vat (no VAT for non-UK) DBA member price £105+vat
Great client service will put your business ahead of the competition. Discover what clients need and how you can meet and exceed expectations with Jonathan Kirk. Standard rate £360+vat (no VAT for non-UK) DBA member price £210+vat
Develop your personal gravitas and communicate with greater confidence, influence and authority to transform your presence as a leader. Standard rate £180+vat (no VAT for non-UK) DBA member price £105+vat