Lead generation is just the start of the new business process, and it can take a long time to convert those prospects into a live project. As creatives, we can often shy away from 'selling', but a pipeline of opportunities is worthless unless you are able to push them over the final hurdle.

Communication is key to converting new business prospects to real business relationships, however it needs to be a conversation, not a monologue. In this fast-paced, practical, and interactive session, we will look at the tools you need to manage this process efficiently, and how to overcome the challenges and barriers agencies commonly face in keeping the sales process moving and closing the deal. In the age of social media, it’s easier than ever to keep in touch, but harder than ever to cut through. Of course keeping prospects informed and sharing relevant insights helps reinforce your positioning and proposition – however it’s just as important to stay informed of developments at their end. We will explore how you can develop a consistent process that keeps prospects engaged, as well as how to have the conversations that drive real results. Identifying and prioritising the best prospects to focus on, we’ll ensure you focus your energy in the right places.

This workshop covers

  • Good meeting. Now what?

    Following up and staying in control of the sale.

  • Qualifying and questioning techniques

    Getting to the right place with the right people.

  • Mythbusting

    What everyone gets wrong about selling (and why your prospects like being sold to).

  • The right tools for the job

    A proven toolkit for managing the pipeline efficiently.

  • 4 Ps – Positioning, Proposition, Process, Proactivity

    Creating a clear and consistent sales process.

  • A little help from your friends

    Enlisting and encouraging the support of the rest of your business.

You will gain

  • A comprehensive checklist to ensure you can make your new business programme a success.

  • Actionable insights to enable you to take control.

  • Increased confidence and a new-found love of selling.

  • Practical tips and techniques to give you the edge over competitors.

Meet your trainer

Jeremy Davies

Jeremy works with consultancies to bridge the gap between positioning and proposition, and be more proactive and productive in their approach to business development. He helps creative people maximise their resources, nurture a new business culture and find the right blend between sales and marketing. An experienced mentor, and a hands-on, creative marketer and writer, he helps empower agency owners, and their new business teams, to create better content, and get better results.