Tuesday 18 March, 15:00-16:30 GMT

How can you create and sustain a culture of high performance within your team, understanding people’s motivations, needs and interests and bringing their expertise together for the good of the business?

As a leader, you are called upon to marry up the needs of your people with the needs of your business, and success demands that you get this equation right. When you are at the helm, the way you lead your people has a big impact on the individuals within your team, and you’ll no doubt feel that responsibility keenly. Leading people means you have the opportunity to convey your identity, distinctiveness and the values you bring, harnessing your unique qualities to build a strong culture that is founded on trust, open communications and meaningful conversations.

This workshop covers

  • The bedrock of trust

    Why it’s the foundation of your leadership role.

  • What is high performance?

    And how can you harness it within your team.

  • Your leadership style

    Its impact on the way you lead your team.

  • Building a coaching culture

    Why it’s so crucial for your success as a leader.

  • Maintaining motivation

    Tips and tricks to sustain your team through challenging times.

You will gain

  • An understanding of high performance team theory and how trust is a crucial foundational building block.

  • An understanding of your impact on the culture of your design business as a leader.

  • The ability to identify different leadership styles in yourself and your team, which one is your ‘go to’ and how you can harness it to greatest effect.

  • An exploration of coaching and how various approaches can work best for you, considering those on the receiving end of your coaching style.

  • The ability to tap into individual motivators and find ways to drive each person forwards towards your common goal.

Pricing options

DBA members receive a discount off the standard price. To talk to us about joining the DBA, email [email protected]. Prices include VAT. If you're buying from outside the UK please email [email protected].

Meet your trainer

Director Anne-Marie Gough

Anne-Marie is a HR Director at Journey HR, working in partnership with Founders and Directors in the world of advertising and marketing communications. Anne-Marie has had 14 years working within HR within a broad range of organisations within the public, private and third sector designing and delivering training for all management levels within these roles. Anne-Marie actively regularly delivers workshops to Journey HR clients and enjoys sharing knowledge and building management toolkits with leaders within our client’s businesses.