17 June, 1 & 15 July, 10.30-12.30

Creativity is at the heart of your business and there is so much joy when a team is living its full creative potential - thriving, motivated, supportive, energised and setting the world on fire! 2020 brought challenges thick and fast - some teams struggled, some flourished, and if we didn’t appreciate it before, we learned the importance of resilience, connection, health and the importance of supportive and effective teams.

2021 brings an opportunity to consider what it means to thrive creatively. It’s easy to take the creative juices for granted. But will the magic keep happening without careful attention, nurture and conscious intention? The Joy of Creative Teams is a mix of expert training and group coaching for leaders of creative teams. Over three intensive sessions, Emma will bring her 30+ years’ experience of working with creative teams combined with some thought provoking exercises, models and energy to help you thrive. It’s a space to reflect on your team, your role and how you can collectively increase connection, creative success and the joy of a highly effective, and creative, team. This will be limited to a small group, so book your place now.

We will cover

  • Connection & emotional intelligence

    Tuning into self-awareness and team awareness.

  • Identifying strengths

    How working intentionally with strengths can bring meaning and joy.

  • The essential role of values and purpose

    Crystalising your own values and aligning with your team and brand for joy and effectiveness.

  • The power of beliefs

    Recognising deeply held beliefs and challenging the inner critic with kindness.

  • Deep listening

    The importance of presence, attention and silence.

  • Psychological safety

    How creating the right environment crushes or nurtures joy and creativity.

  • Barriers to joy

    Exploring personality, ego and perfectionism.

  • Recognising your own unique role in your team

    How you can activate and contribute to increasing joy in your team.

  • Gratitude, appreciation & celebration

    Generating ways to increase joy, energy and creativity.

Three, two-hour sessions

A mix of training and group coaching. The first session is all about you, the second is focused on your team and the third will combine both with space for ideas and planning.

You will gain

  • An understanding of the key characteristics of a highly effective team.

  • Knowledge of models that will help you focus clearly on actions for development.

  • Techniques to use with your team to listen, collaborate and maximise creativity.

  • New insights, ideas and plans on how to deepen or re-ignite connection, effectiveness and joy with your team.

  • A deeper empathy for your team members and their needs.

Meet your trainer

Emma Collins

Hugely passionate about people potential and creativity, Emma is relentlessly committed to enabling leaders and their teams to become more conscious, confident and connected. Previously MD at Bristol agency Home, Emma understands the challenges creative leaders and teams face. Emma brings 30+ years experience in a range of marketing and leadership roles combined with strategic clarity, intuition, presence and love to her work as an Exec Leadership & Team Coach. She set up her own business in 2006 with the intention of helping creatives, agencies and cultural organisations flourish and hasn’t looked back since. Emma established the design start-up incubator space Spike Design and was also Chair of West of England Design Forum. Recent clients include BBC iPlayer & Sounds Leadership Teams. When she’s not helping creatives, she gets her joy from sequins, festivals, dancing to cheesy 80’s tracks with her resistant 17 year old daughter in the kitchen (lockdown style) savouring a robin in song and the beauty of spring tulips collapsing.

Pricing options

DBA members receive a discount off the standard price. To talk to us about joining the DBA, email [email protected]

Previous feedback for Emma

She’s energetic, bright, and above all, just a lovely person to be around. Emma is not afraid to ask those difficult and sometimes challenging questions – she helps you move forward.

Jonathan Sands, OBE, Elmwood

She cut through the fog in a nano second.

Rebecca Price, Frank, Bright & Abel